“The Future of Science in the 21st Century: Integrity and Responsibility in Science: Navigating through Conflicting Social and Epistemic Demands”
The workshop is supposed to address the responsibility of science from five perspectives. The first perspective concerns options for anticipating the social impact of research and technology development. This area is intended to implement the idea of science for society or research on behalf of the people. The general concern here is the unreliability of technology foresight which appears to stall attempts to guide research toward goals that will be welcomed by society. However, future pathways of research and development can be anticipated in some fields, and some judgments about technology implementation are feasible without such anticipation. The second area is evaluation of research goals by ethical standards. Examples to be discussed concern attempts to realign the drug industry’s interests with patient interests and to analyze efforts to bring ethical standards to globalized food industry. Medical technology is another field in which moral demands feature prominently. The third field concerns institutional frameworks of responsible science. The issue is shifted from considerations of individual scientists to suitably designed institutions. An important theme in this area is science with society or research involving lay participation. The fourth perspective concerns epistemic responsibility which becomes manifest in the combat against fraud and bias in research. The fifth area opens up the space for suggestions and responses from working scientists.

Hanne Andersen
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
“Epistemic responsibility in collaborative research”

Olivier Le Gall
Université de Bordeaux, INRA, France
“Setting up a national office for research and integrity; the French experience”

Martin Carrier
Bielefeld University, Germany
“Judging the Socially Responsible Nature of Research and Innovation : Options and Obstacles”

Claude Debru
Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, France
Lecture: Science and public Trust. The meaning of trust.

Ralf Stoecker
Bielefeld University, Germany
“Drawing the map: Overview of Artificial Intelligence”

Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus
Bielefeld University, Germany
“Will responsible energy strategies involve combustion?”

Alfred Nordmann
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
“The plausible implausibility of anticipating social impacts”

Stéphanie Ruphy
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France
“Does scientific research need to be more inclusive to be more responsible? Prospects (and challenges) of public participation in science”

Torsten Wilholt
Leibniz-Universität Hannover, Germany
“Research, technology and the common good”

Carsten Reinhardt
Bielefeld University, Germany
“Limit values as tools to balance the social and the epistemic”

Philip Macnaghten
Wageningen Universiteit, Netherlands
“Navigating social responsibility and anticipatory governance: a narrative approach to responsible research and innovation”

Julian Reiss
Durham University, United Kingdom
“Robust social institutions as a solution to problems of fact/value entanglement”

Daniel Scherman
Université Paris V Descartes, France
“Genome editing and genome engineering : new developments and ethical questions”
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