Private Area | Nominations for New Members

New Member

The general criteria for admission is international peer recognition.

**Only Fellows of the European Academy of Sciences can nominate possible new members**

The required documents have to be submited in only one PDF* (rules in the form).
A nomination can be submitted at any time of the year in the personal area of each member. Note that traditional method of sending nomination forms to the mailbox will still be available.
However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are now two election periods for each division. Please note that the file should be submitted in due time, at least in the month prior to the voting month. This ensures that the Scientific Committee has sufficient time to examine the nominations before presenting them for the votes of the General Board.

Voting Periods:

      • February : Computer & Materials
      • March : Engineering & Maths
      • April : Earth & Medicine
      • May :  Chemistry & Physics
      • June : Computer & Materials & Social
      • July : Engineering & Maths
      • August : Earth & Medicine
      • September :  Physics
      • November : Chemistry & Social 

If you wish to nominate a new member, please download and complete the Nomination Form available below, and then submit it.

*By European, we mean geographical Europe. A European nominee has a European citizenship or works/lives permanently in a European country.

NOTE: There shall be proportion of at least 80% of European fellows* in each Division. If the required proportion is not reached in a Division, the nomination of non-European members in that Division is postponed.

Nomination Form

In case of doubts or assistance, please contact the EurASc secretariat (