The future of science in the 21st century
Due to the COVID-19 situation, it has been decided that the annual event would be online.
Our next symposium, on Micro and Nanotechnologies for Medicine and Life Sciences, will be held on April 14th, 2021.
Please register online on the following link:.
We are honoured to announce that Springer Nature, through Discover Materials journal, supports this event.
9:30 | Opening speeches |
9:50 | Mr. Jean-Eric Paquet, European Commission, Director-General, DG Research and Innovation |
10:30 | Pr. Elias Fattal, University Paris-Orsay, Pharmacy Faculty, Galien Institute |
11:10 | Pr. Stefaan de Smet, Ghent University, EURASC |
11:50 | Dr. Carine Giovannangeli, CNRS – National Museum of Natural History |
12:30 | Pause |
14:00 | Dr. Ana Buj-Bello, Généthon Laboratory, Inserm |
14:40 | Pr. Daniel Scherman, Foundation for Rare Diseases, Pharmacy Faculty, Paris University, CNRS, Inserm, EURASC |
15:20 | Pr. Odile Launay, Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique, Professor of Infectiology Hôpital Cochin-Broca-Hôtel-Dieu |
16:00 | Pr. Neil Ferguson, Imperial College, London |
16:40 | Pr. Alain Fischer, Imagine Institute, Necker Hospital, French Academy of Sciences and Academy of Medicine |
17:20 | Dr. Hervé Chneiweiss Inserm, Président od Inserm Ethics Committee and of CCNE (Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé) |
18:00 | Closure of the scientific day |