Against bureaucratization of Science
I would like to propose that EURASC takes some initiatives against the “bureaucratisation” of science.What I mean is (unfortunately) very well know to each of us.We spend more and more

IUMRS Global Leadership and Service Award 2019
Watch the video of the thank you message of Commissioner Carlos Moedas On June 3rd, 2019, in Brussels (Belgium) – Prof. Rodrigo Martins, President of EurASc, and Chair of the

First European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials (ec-siliconf1)
Prof. László Gömze A. invites you to the 1st European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials (ec-siliconf1) which will be held at Miskolc-Lillafured (Hungary) in October 7th-11th, 2019. The

XVI ECerS Conference
Prof. Paolo Colombo, member of EurASc, will chair the XVI ECerS (European Ceramic Society) Conference which will take place in Torino (Italy) on June 16 to 20, 2019. For more information,

Superstripes 2019
Prof. Antonio Bianconi, President of Superstripes Institute will chair this conference Superstripes 2019 which will take place in Ischia Island, (Italy) on the 23th – 29th June 2019. He will be

EurASc position paper regarding the Academies Independence
The Presidium of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) together with the Lisbon Academy of Science and the Portuguese Academy of Engineering have sent a position paper to the Hungarian

Prof. Alain Tressaud nominated as Guest Professor of Southeast University
In March 2019, Prof. Alain Tressaud, EurASc Vice-President, has been nominated for a 5-year period as Guest Professor of Southeast University, Nanjing, China, a top-10 university in China.

Prof. Pierre Corvol has been awarded the Leonardo da Vinci Award 2019
The European Academy of Sciences has awarded the 2019 Leonardo da Vinci Award to Prof. Pierre Corvol. In recognition for his many outstanding contributions to the development of major branches

Death of Zhores Alferov
Prof. Zhores Alferov, Honorary Fellow of EurASc and Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000, passed away on March 1st, 2019, at age 88. Obituaries