Professor Elvira Fortunato received the Pessoa Prize
Elvira Fortunato today joins the Pessoa 2020 Prize to its vast curriculum. She is the seventh scientist, to be distinguished with the highest award in Portugal to the personality of

Online 2021 Annual Symposium Micro- and nanotechnologies for medicine and life sciences
The future of science in the 21st century Due to the COVID-19 situation, it has been decided that the annual event would be online. Our next symposium, on Micro and

Sir John Meurig Thomas obituary
The European Academy of Sciences mourns the loss of Sir John Meurig Thomas, who recently passed away. He was elected as Member of our Academy in the Materials Science Division

Professor Jean-Pierre Gattuso received the 2020 Ruth Patrick Award of the ASLO
Professor Jean-Pierre Gattuso (Laboratoire d’Océanographie, CNRS, Villefranche-sur-mer, France) received the 2020 Ruth Patrick Award of the ASLO (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography) for “his leadership in, and commitment
Pierre Braunstein, our Head of the Chemical Division, is winner of the Franco-Portuguese 2019 prize
Pierre Braunstein, our Head of the Chemical Division and research director of CNRS, Strasbourg, France, is winner of the Franco-Portuguese 2019 prize attributed by the Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (RPQ).

Frontier Forum 2020 CAS – EurASC : Synthetic Report
Dear Academician, Please find here the synthetic report of the Frontier Forum 2020 (CAS – EURASC) written by Prof. Paul Tréguer and Prof. Louis Legendre (EurASc) and by Prof. Jing

Prof. Reinhard Genzel was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics
Professor Reihnard Genzel (Honorary Member of EurASc), from Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching (Germany) and University of California, Berkeley (USA), is the co-winner of the Nobel Prize in

CAS – EURASC Frontier Forum “Progress on Ocean Science and Technology”, 20-21 October 2020
The China – Europe Frontier Forum “Progress on Ocean Science and Technology”, co-organised by the Dpt of Earth Siences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and by the Earth and

European Commission Impact 2020 awarded to Prof. Elvira Fortunato
Professor Elvira Fortunato, fellow of EURASC and officer of Materials Science Division won the European Commission Impact Award 2020 with her project INVISIBLE (AdG ERC, connected to the development of