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Engineering Division
University of Mons UMONS - European University Alliance EUNICE
Philippe Dubois is Rector/President of University of Mons – UMONS, and 1st President of the European University EUNICE (+170.000 students/researchers, 10 countries in Europe).
As full professor he set up the Center of Innovation and Research in Materials & Polymers CIRMAP. His expertise covers organic chemistry; macromolecular chemistry; catalysis in polymer materials; and (reactive) processing of (nano)composites and nanohybrid materials, including biosourced and biodegradable polymers, i.e., bioplastics. He is President and scientific Director of Materia Nova Research Center ASBL in Mons. He is President/co-founder of GATE2 S.A., a spin-off company of UMONS and Material Nova. He is a member of the editorial boards (co-editor for some of them, incl. Materials Sciences & Engineering Reports with Impact factor: 36,21) of 18 international scientific journals in the fields of polymer chemistry and materials science/engineering.
He has published 814 peer-reviewed scientific articles, 11 books (H-index = 119, overall citations= 65,500+) and is the inventor of 76 patents. Ph. Dubois is invited professor in several Universities in Europe, US and China. He is elected member of the Royal Academy of Belgium (Class of sciences).