Pavel Exner
Year of Election
Country/Region of working/living
Mathematics Division
Czech Republic
Czech Republic
Doppler Institute, Czech Technical University
** Officer of Mathematics Division from March 2023 to March 2027
Pavel Exner is currently Scientific Director of the Doppler Institute for Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics at the Czech Technical University in Prague. He works on mathematical problems of the quantum theory, in particular, spectral and scattering properties of quantum waveguides, quantum mechanics on graphs and manifolds, decay and resonance effects. His main scholarship contributions in mathematical physics concerned geometrically induced effects in quantum waveguides and layers, guided dynamics described by singular Schrödinger operators, approximations of quantum graph vertex couplings, strongly singular Wannier-Stark systems, Zeno dynamics, path integrals for open quantum systems, and analysis of Dirac operators with singular interactions. He supervised a number of students, undergraduate and postgraduate, and postdocs.
He served as Secretary and President of the International Association of Mathematical Physics (2006-2011), and as Vice-President (2005-2010) and President (2015-2018) of the European Mathematical Society. He is a founding member of the European Research Council and served as its Vice-President in 2011-2014. He was recognized, inter alia, by the JINR Prize (1985) and Neuron Prize (2016). He is a member of Academia Europaea, foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and honorary member of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society.