EAS members are invited to the EUSCEA 2WAYS Grand Finals – see attachment:
>> imagine that thousands of pupils have discussed with scientists about future developments in life sciences,
>> imagine that hundreds of scientists and science communicators have worked to produce new science shows for the general public, and
>> imagine that all these results will be on display in Brussels – from the evening of 29 November to the evening of 1 December 2010:
Wouldn’t you like to see all this?
Then please respond shortly to this email – or register at twoways.eu/finalevent.
And – or forward this message to your colleagues and friends, who might be also interested.
>> 58 European pupils, delegated by their colleagues from Science Parliaments in 29 European cities, will discuss controversial issues of life sciences in the European Parliament;
>> 17 brand new presentations about modern, peer reviewed research projects in life sciences from 29 organisations of science festivals will be presented;
>> results of an impact study about all these activities will be shown.
We would be honoured to welcome you in Brussels at these EUSCEA 2WAYS Grand Finals.
With my best greetings from Vienna,
Peter Rebernik
2WAYS Coordinator
EUSCEA General Secretary
Anton-Baumgartner-Str. 44/C2/3/2
1230 Vienna / Austria