EurASc Webinar Series

EurASc Webinar Series

The EurASc Webinar Series is a new initiative by the European Academy of Sciences, designed to promote dialogue and knowledge exchange on pressing scientific and technological issues. These online events bring together leading experts from diverse fields to share insights, foster collaboration, and inspire innovation across Europe and beyond.


March 11th, 2025

We are delighted to announce the next session of the EurASc Webinar Series, featuring Professor Michael Graetzel from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Title: “Molecular Photovoltaics and the Stunning Rise of Perovskite Solar Cells”

This session will explore groundbreaking advancements in molecular photovoltaics, focusing on dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) and the rapid progress of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). With efficiencies exceeding 26.7%, PSCs are among the most promising future photovoltaic technologies. The talk will highlight the latest research on stability, large-scale production, and real-world applications.


  • Date: March 11th, 2025
  • Time: 14:00 CET (Brussels time)
  • Speaker: Prof. Michael Graetzel, EPFL

    🌍 Language: English
    📡 Format: Online – Zoom & YouTube Livestream

    🔗 Join us live:
    📌 Zoom Meeting
    📌 YouTube Livestream

Prof. Graetzel is a pioneer in molecular photovoltaics, whose contributions have revolutionized solar energy conversion. His research has also led to advancements in lithium-ion batteries and photoelectrochemical cells for solar-driven water splitting and CO₂ reduction. With over 1,700 publications, 332,600 citations, and an h-index of 267, he has received numerous prestigious awards, including the Millennium Technology Grand Prize, Balzan Prize, and Leonardo da Vinci Medal of EurASc.

This free and public webinar is an opportunity to gain insights into the future of solar energy and its role in sustainable technology. Don’t miss this chance to engage with one of the leading minds in photovoltaic research!

#EurASc #WebinarSeries #SolarEnergy #Innovation #PerovskiteSolarCells #Photovoltaics #EPFL #MichaelGraetzel


January 9, 2025

We are excited to announce the next session of the EurASc Webinar Series featuring Dr. Georg Schütte, Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation.

Title: “In Troubled Waters: The Future of European Science and Innovation Policy”

This session will explore the challenges and opportunities for science and innovation in Europe, offering valuable insights into the evolving landscape of research funding, policy, and international collaboration.


  • Date: January 9, 2025
  • Time: 15:00 CET (Brussels time)
  • Speaker: Dr. Georg Schütte, Secretary General, Volkswagen Foundation

The webinar will be available for free to all, and you can join us via Zoom or watch the YouTube livestream.

All webinars are free to attend and open to the public. We look forward to your participation!

#EurASc #WebinarSeries #SciencePolicy #Innovation #EuropeanScience #VolkswagenFoundation #GeorgSchuette #PublicLecture

Stay tuned for updates on future speakers and topics, as the EurASc Webinar Series continues to expand its program.

EurASc President, Rodrigo Martins, Addresses COP28 Session on Clean Energy Transition

EurASc President, Rodrigo Martins, Addresses COP28 Session on Clean Energy Transition

Professor Rodrigo Martins, President of the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc), served as one of the guest speakers at the session “Energizing Tomorrow: Unleashing the Power of Innovation in Clean Energy Transition” during the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 (COP28).

The session aimed to explore the paths and challenges toward halving carbon emission levels from 2018, focusing on the deployment and management of large-scale clean energy systems. Professor Martins, a renowned expert in the field, shared insights into this critical area, highlighting the significant strides made globally and his personal dedication to advancing clean energy technologies.

The distinguished panel also featured contributions from experts such as Neil Wilmshurst, Senior Vice President at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI); Mark Levine, Energy Division Director Emeritus at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and the principal author of the United Nations report on climate change; Ann-Kathrin Lipponer, Associate Program Officer at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Innovation and Technology Center. The discussion was moderated by H.E. Homaid Al-Shimmari, Deputy Group CEO and Chief Corporate & Human Capital Officer at Mubadala.

The session, held on December 5th, provided valuable insights into global efforts to triple the capacity of renewable energy production, with 118 countries committing to this ambitious goal during COP28.

For more updates and information on EurASc’s involvement in shaping discussions on crucial topics, stay tuned to our website.

Euro-Zhengzhou | High-level Scientific Forum on “Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing” 

Euro-Zhengzhou | High-level Scientific Forum on “Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing” 

A high-level Scientific Forum on “Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing” will take place in Henan (Zhengzhou), China, on September 23-25, 2023. 

The purpose of this workshop, jointly organized by the Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, the Technological Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) and European Academy of Sciences (EurASc) is to enhance research collaboration and knowledge exchange between European countries and China, including Hong Kong, in the areas of advancedmaterials, new energy materials, intelligent manufacturing, biomaterials, data science, etc. Besides EurASc President and Vice-President, the Heads of the Scientific Committees of Chemistry, Materials Science and Medicine and Life Sciences Divisions will participate to this international levent.


Professor Veronique Gouverneur, EurASc Fellow, received the 2021 Moissan International Prize

Professor Veronique Gouverneur, EurASc Fellow, received the 2021 Moissan International Prize

Professor Veronique Gouverneur, FRS, EurASc Fellow, University of Oxford, UK, received the 2021 Moissan International Prize commemorating the isolation of elemental fluorine by Henri Moissan and stimulating research in the fields of fluorine chemistry.

This Prize, which is given every three years by the “Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie” in Paris rewards a researcher of international stature who has obtained exceptional results in the fields of fluorine and fluorinated products.

Professor Giorgio Parisi, fellow of the EurASc, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics

Professor Giorgio Parisi, fellow of the EurASc, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics

Professor Giorgio Parisi, from the University “La Sapienza” in Roma, is one of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics for “for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales”.


Press release:

 (One of the tweets:

 The EC also published:

Nobel press release:

 Interview by the Nobel Foundation with Prof. Parisi on winning the prize, the importance of basic science, research funding and more:

Online 2021 Annual Symposium Micro- and nanotechnologies for medicine and life sciences

Online 2021 Annual Symposium Micro- and nanotechnologies for medicine and life sciences

The future of science in the 21st century

Due to the COVID-19 situation, it has been decided that the annual event would be online.

Our next symposium, on Micro and Nanotechnologies for Medicine and Life Sciences, will be held on April 14th, 2021.

Please register online on the following link:.

We are honoured to announce that Springer Nature, through Discover Materials journal, supports this event.

Note on their website


Opening speeches


Mr. Jean-Eric Paquet, European Commission, Director-General, DG Research and Innovation
Horizon Europe FP9


Pr. Elias Fattal, University Paris-Orsay, Pharmacy Faculty, Galien Institute
Nanomedicine for tackling physiological resistances to drug delivery


Pr. Stefaan de Smet, Ghent University, EURASC
Physico-Chemistry of nanoparticles for drug delivery


Dr. Carine Giovannangeli, CNRS – National Museum of Natural History
Genome modification and gene editing




Dr. Ana Buj-Bello, Généthon Laboratory, Inserm
Gene therapy of neuromuscular disorders with viral-derived vectors


Pr. Daniel Scherman, Foundation for Rare Diseases, Pharmacy Faculty, Paris University, CNRS, Inserm, EURASC
Genetic Pharmacology: RNA-silencing nanoparticles and targeted nanodrugs for rare diseases


Pr. Odile Launay, Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique, Professor of Infectiology Hôpital Cochin-Broca-Hôtel-Dieu
Strategies of COVID-19 vaccination


Pr. Neil Ferguson, Imperial College, London
Modelling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Connections with computational science, mathematical epidemiology, and control and vaccination policy making


Pr. Alain Fischer, Imagine Institute, Necker Hospital, French Academy of Sciences and Academy of Medicine
Gene therapy of severe immune rare diseases


Dr. Hervé Chneiweiss Inserm, Président od Inserm Ethics Committee and of CCNE (Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé)
Ethical considerations in Biomedicine


Closure of the scientific day

Professor Jean-Pierre Gattuso received the 2020 Ruth Patrick Award of the ASLO

Professor Jean-Pierre Gattuso received the 2020 Ruth Patrick Award of the ASLO

Professor Jean-Pierre Gattuso (Laboratoire d’Océanographie, CNRS, Villefranche-sur-mer, France) received the 2020 Ruth Patrick Award of the ASLO (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography) for “his leadership in, and commitment to, addressing ocean acidification”. In 2014, professor Gattuso was elected at the EurASc as one of the Blaise Pascal medallist selected by the Earth and Environmental Sciences division. He is one of the world leaders on ocean acidification which is due to the absorption by the ocean of the anthropogenic atmospheric CO2. He also is deeply involved in the International Panel for Climate Change (IPPC) reports and he did contribute to the China – Europe Frontier Forum on the future of marine sciences and technologies, held in Shanghai and on-line on 20-21 October 2020.

Professor Jean-Pierre Gattuso