Paris (France), Foundation Singer-Polignac, 29-30 April 2014, Professor Edgardo Carosella, Chairman of the Academic Council, invites our members to the Academic Conference he organizes in Paris : “Nature et Artifice – L′Homme face à l′Evolution de sa propre essence”.
For any further information about the program and the speakers, find below the links of this Conference.
The Forum Scientiarum of the University of Tübingen is organizing an one-week International Interdisciplinary Summer School on “The Neurobiology of Emotions and Feelings”: with António Damásio (University of Southern California, USA) and Sabine Döring (University of Tübingen, Germany). The summerschool will take place during this year`s Unseld Lectures with the Lecturer António Damásio. For further information about the Unseld Lectures as well as the workshop please see the call for applications on our website
We ask you to circulate the call within your institutions mailinglists and, if possible, would appreciate the call´s publication on your website in order to reach all prospective participants of a wide range of scientific disciplines and fields of specialization.
Application Deadline: February 20th, 2014.
Program: The interdisciplinary summer school will take place at the Forum Scientiarum of Tübingen University, from June 2nd – June 6th, 2014. During the summer school, twenty graduate students and junior scientists from all over the world will have the opportunity to discourse concepts of feelings and emotions with this year′s Unseld lecturer António Damásio and our second lecturer Sabine Döring. The participants will also attend the Unseld Lecture held by António Damásio and an interdisciplinary colloquium, both open to the public.
The XII international conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014) is one of the largest top-rated international congresses bringing together a World community of scientists and engineers interested in recent developments on nanostructured materials in various renowned areas. NANO 2014 is organized by Lomonosov Moscow State University and will take place in Moscow, Russia on July 13 – 18, 2014. This unique scientific event promoted by the International Committee on Nanostructured Materials continues the prestigious series of biannual conferences held since 1992 in Cancun – Mexico (1992), Stuttgart – Germany (1994), Kona – Hawaii, USA (1996), Stockholm – Sweden (1998), Sendai – Japan (2000), Orlando – USA (2002), Wiesbaden – Germany (2004), Bangalore – India (2006), Rio de Janeiro – Brazil (2008), Rome – Italy (2010), Rhodes – Greece (2012). In 2014, the Congress will be held in Russia for the fist time in comfortable summer time, in the green and very domestic campus of the best Russian University.
NANO 2014 attracts the outstanding scientists in chemistry, physics, mechanics, computer simulation, biomedical applications, advanced characterization techniques of nanostructured materials from all over the world. The primary objective of NANO 2014 is to discuss comprehensively and disseminate widely state-of-the-art research, recent achievements, global trends, an exchange of novel ideas, concepts, techniques and exciting perspectives in nanoscience, nanotechnology and related rapidly developing fields. The full range of topics at the frontier of science will be presented in 9 plenary lectures and more that 100 invited talks of world leaders of nanoscience, discussed in 12 technical sessions gathering about 80 hot topics and headed by distinguished scientists, viewed at the congress exhibition hall, debated among posters of talented young scientists competing for congress special awards.
Nancy from March 30th to March 31st 2011, Mrs Hélène de Rode our Vice President invites our members to the conference “World Materials Perspectives” (WMP) to be held in Nancy (France)
Lisbon, from August 5 to August 10, 2012, Professor Igor Emri, Fellow in Eurasc, organizer and co-chaiman of the Congress, invites you to the XVIth International Congress on Rheology.
Prof Alajos Kalman (Member of the EAS) will assist and participate to this event on behalf of the Academy. As a participating organisation of the Event, the European Academy of Sciences has the privilege to provide you a downloadable invitation to the event.
As a tribute to Prof. Gleiter and to celebrate his lifelong contributions in physics and materials science, a workshop covering a wide range of topics will be held on the occasion of his 75th birthday in Karlsruhe from November 14th-15th, 2013.
Distinguished scientists from around the world will join Professor Gleiter in this celebration with a festival of lectures.
A special evening reception in honor of Professor Gleiter′s 75th birthday will be held on November 14th as a part of the workshop.
It would be a great honor to welcome you at this workshop in Karlsruhe.
Partial List of Invited Speakers (confirmed)
Jean-Marie Lehn, Strasbroug
Ke Lu, Shenyang
Ruslan Valiev, Ufa
Jackie Ying, Singapore
Eduard Arzt, Saarbrücken
Reiner Kircheim, Göttingen
Further details will soon be available on the website of the Institute for Nanotechnolgy :
Deadline for the workshop registration : September 15th, 2013
ITS is expanding into the next stage of mobility and society. Starting with safety and traffic management as basic concerns, ITS is reaching out to three new domains: energy management, personalized mobility services navigated by big data, and resilient transport systems. The first two stem from the emergence of electrified vehicles and continuously advancing ICT technologies, and the third concept of resilient transport has become very important since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. At the same time, mobility in mega cities/regions is a major issue to be addressed in emerging economies, especially in Asia. Open has been adopted as the key word for expanding the potential of ITS: open platforms for basic concerns, and open connectivity, opportunities and collaboration for the three new domains.
Congress Topics
1. Safety and traffic management
Every country is seriously concerned about traffic congestion and casualties, since they have great impact on the economy and energy resources. New innovative technologies along with law enforcement initiatives can achieve safer and smoother traffic. Various technical approaches and enforcements will be discussed.
2. Next generation mobility and sustainability
Regardless of mode of transport, society requires lower-emission mobility. More electrified vehicles including EV, HEV, pHEV and FCV are being launched, requiring closer information exchange between vehicles and infrastructure. Efficient energy management systems ranging from the home to community level will be discussed in relation to electrified vehicles as one component of such systems. New innovative personalized vehicles, including mobility for aging societies, will also be discussed as next-generation solutions.
3. Efficient transport systems in mega cities/regions
Many mega cities/regions are suffering from substantial transport stresses, many of which are caused by lack of transport capacity due to rapid urbanization and motorization. Possible measures to ease such strains will be discussed based on past experiences and best practices in various cities/regions.
4. Intermodal and multimodal systems for people and goods
Optimal mode combination is the key to transporting people and goods. Public transport combined with various personal modes of transport will be discussed in the context of human mobility. Another solution is harmonization of bus rapid transit (BRT) and light rail transit (LRT) with private vehicles, including safety issues. Discussion of goods distribution will focus on efficient and secure handling of goods and cutting-edge EDI technologies.
5. Personalized mobility services
ICT brings various new services/businesses into reality by deploying big data via information networks. Information is collected from and delivered to mobile devices. Some services are already in the market and this is an area with high potential for entry by business newcomers. Various possibilities and examples will be discussed.
6. Resilient transport systems for emergency situations
Transport systems must be robust enough to support daily life in disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes, including preventive approaches. Readiness training involving the general public and collaboration between relevant agencies is also important. Information on experiences and lessons learned will be shared to discuss various resilient transport systems in terms of concept, design, structure and evaluation.
7. Institutional issues and international harmonization
Various institutional approaches and cross-organizational cooperation will be necessary to ensure a livable society with enhanced mobility on a global scale in the future. This topic will cover a wide range of issues including regulation and enforcement, funding and costs/benefits, security and privacy, standardization and architecture as well as professional education and training.
ECASIA′13, the 15th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, is an excellent opportunity for the exchange of the latest among scientists from universities, research centres, industry, government and suppliers of surface analytical equipment and software.
The scientific program of the 15th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA′13) will consist of plenary and keynote lectures, oral presentations in parallel sessions, poster contributions and a full state-of-the-art instrument exhibition.
Social events:
Several social events such as a welcome reception on sunday evening, conference excursion and conference dinner will facilitate the contact among all participants and accompaining persons
Lyon, 24-26 March 2013, 8th Edition of Biovision World Life Sciences Forum, Biovision is a three-day international Forum, held in Lyon every two years. It fosters a productive dialogue on Life Sciences discoveries and their impact on society and citizens, through debates with all stakeholders: academia, private sector, policy makers and civil society representatives. Topics include the most recent advances in Life Sciences as well as global issues in health, nutrition and environment.
For 2013, we want, in addition, to leverage BioVision as an action catalyzer, fostering collaboration integrating innovation and accelerating the emergence of solutions for the benefit of citizens. Reflecting this positioning, our theme will be “From Life Sciences to Sciences for Life”, which will be declined in 6 focuses.
– “Microorganisms: risks and opportunities for human beings”
– “Feeding the planet without consuming it”
– “Can Science and Health Benefit from Collective Intelligence?”
– “Improving Human Capacities”
– “Same Medicine for All?”
– “Can we Escape Lifestyle Diseases?”
Each focus includes a “Prospective Lab” to share a prospective vision, and a “Collaboration Catalyser” to identify innovation projects and build actions plans.
New in 2013, we will also have a special country focus on Brazil.
If you want more information about this forum, click here.