Prof. Hélène de Rode, Perpetual Secretary of the European Academy of Sciences attended the Seminar-Concert (Queen Christina of Sweden, the European) organized byProf. Claude Imbert, member of the Social Sciences and Humanities Division of EURASC, on April 21st, 2015, at the Palais des Académies in Brussels (Belgium)
Prof. Edgardo Carosella, Head of the Medicine and Life Sciences Division, invites our members to the 7th International Conference on HLA-G he organizes in Paris, on July 6th to 8th, 2015.Click here for the call for abstracts.
Prof. Joachain, Head of the Physics Division, President of the Royal Academy of Belgium, invites our members to a symposium on “Février 1945, la conférence de Yalta. Géopolitique d′un désastre pour la Pologne et pour l′Europe », at Brussels, 20 and 21 February 2015:
The European Academy of Sciences has been invited by the UNESCO to participate to its roundtable: “Galvanizing Science Education and Research for Fostering an Innovation Culture in the Arab Region”, during the “World Science Forum”. This event will take place in Budapest (Hungary) from November 4th to November 7th, 2015. Prof. Hélène de Rode, Perpetual Secretary of EURASC, will represent our Academy during this event.
You will find the comments of our experts team here and the summary, written by Prof. Federico Rosei, here.
For more information about this event, please follow this link
The 21st International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry (21stISFC) will be organized jointly with the 6th International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies 2015 (ISoFT’15) in Como (Italy) from 23rd August to 28th August 2015.
This joint event will cover all aspects of fluorine chemistry and fluorous technologies, spanning materials science, energy applications, sustainable processes, biomedicine, and nanotechnology. The program will comprise invited lectures by internationally renowned speakers working in academia, industrial laboratories, and research institutes. Oral presentations and poster sessions will give participants an occasion to disseminate their results and to become acquainted with the latest developments in all fields related to fluorine chemistry and fluorous technologies. Particular emphasis will be given on creating opportunities for young scientists to networking with both peers and recognized leaders in all fields wherein fluorine offers an extra value.
For more information about this event, please click on this link.
Click here to see the website of the joint symposia of EXPO 2015
Brussels (Belgium), from June 30 to July 5, 2014 – Prof. Claude Debru, President of EURASC, has the pleasure to invite our members to the 19th annual meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences, at Palais des Académies, in Brussels, from June 30 to July 5, 2014, and particularly the session of July 4th, where he will present a lecture : “Michel Jouvet’s discovery of paradoxical sleep and functional implications”.
For any further information click on this link (website)
The European Commission invites the European Academy of Sciences to participate to the workshop: “The Future and Emerging Technologies unit (FET Flagship)” (Brussels, April 29th, 2014).
Professor Charles Joachain, Head of Physics Division and Prof. Peter Zoller, member of the Physics Scientific Committee took the initiative to mandate Prof. Tommaso Calarco to represent the Academy to this workshop. Indeed, Prof. Tommaso Calarco is one of the best experts in the field.
We asked to Prof. Calarco to describe the stakes of this workshop.
“The Future and Emerging Technologies unit (FET) of the European Commission has launched at the end of 2013 two FET Flagship initiatives, the “Human Brain Project” (HBP) and Graphene. FET Flagships represent a new model for research and innovation in Europe: they are large scale, long term, science-driven and roadmap-based initiatives that are supposed to have the potential to bring transformational impact on science and technology, as well on economy and society at large. The EC is now undertaking a consultation in preparation for a policy working paper on the FET Flagships model for European Research and Innovation, whose purpose will be to:
Present what FET Flagships are about and what are the lessons learnt so far
Provide their implementation model in Horizon 2020 and the key issues for their success
Describe how can industry and society benefit from such initiatives
Strengthen the support for the FET Flagship concept among all relevant stakeholders, including the Member States, so that National and European research policies can be aligned.
Serve as background for the preparation of potential future new flagship initiatives.
In this context, the EC has invited EURASC, among other key science and technology stakeholders, to a workshop on 29th April 2014 to gather feedback on the FET Flagship scheme, in view of its future evolution. This is a major opportunity for the scientific community to give direct input not only about topics to be considered for possible upcoming Flagships, but also – and perhaps most importantly – about the ways in which the FET Flagship program should be structured to better serve the needs of science and society, building on the lessons being learned throughout the initial stage of the program itself. The outcome of the workshop could bring about a significant improvement in this strategic funding scheme, and therefore EURASC has decided to delegate a representative to participate in the workshop.
I am very honored by being indicated as the EURASC representative, and I am fully aware of the need to do my best in order to be up to the task.”
Professor Ruslan Valiev, Blaise Pascal Medallist in Materials Science in 2011 and invited speaker at the NANOSMAT Conference (Dublin, 8-11 September, 2014), presents a speak about “Bulk nanostructured metals multifonctionnal coatings for applications in engineering and medicine“.
For any further information about the NANOSMAT Conference, please find below the link of the website.