Because of drastic sanitary reasons occurring now in Europe, the L. da Vinci and B. Pascal Prizes ceremony + the delivery of EurASc diploma to new members will be dissociated from the scientific Symposium on the role of micro- and nano-technologies for medicine and life sciences that will take place on April 14th 2021.
The Prize Ceremony will take place in the second half of May 2021. You will be later informed of the new date.
Mr. Jean-Eric Paquet, European Commission, Director-General, DG Research and Innovation Horizon Europe FP9
Pr. Elias Fattal, University Paris-Orsay, Pharmacy Faculty, Galien Institute Nanomedicine for tackling physiological resistances to drug delivery
Pr. Stefaan de Smet, Ghent University, EURASC Physico-Chemistry of nanoparticles for drug delivery
Dr. Carine Giovannangeli, CNRS – National Museum of Natural History Genome modification and gene editing
Dr. Ana Buj-Bello, Généthon Laboratory, Inserm Gene therapy of neuromuscular disorders with viral-derived vectors
Pr. Daniel Scherman, Foundation for Rare Diseases, Pharmacy Faculty, Paris University, CNRS, Inserm, EURASC Genetic Pharmacology: RNA-silencing nanoparticles and targeted nanodrugs for rare diseases
Pr. Odile Launay, Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique, Professor of Infectiology Hôpital Cochin-Broca-Hôtel-Dieu Strategies of COVID-19 vaccination
Pr. Neil Ferguson, Imperial College, London Modelling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Connections with computational science, mathematical epidemiology, and control and vaccination policy making
Pr. Alain Fischer, Imagine Institute, Necker Hospital, French Academy of Sciences and Academy of Medicine Gene therapy of severe immune rare diseases
Dr. Hervé Chneiweiss Inserm, Président od Inserm Ethics Committee and of CCNE (Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé) Ethical considerations in Biomedicine
The last Symposium of the European Academy of Sciences took place in Madrid (Spain), on October 21 and 22, 2019. The general theme is “Artificial Intelligence”.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) Rectorate Ramiro de Maeztu, 7 28040 Madrid Spain
For more information, please visit the website of EurASc
Commissioner Carlos Moedas met the Representatives of the European Academy of Sciences in Brussels on December 3rd, 2018. On this occasion, Prof. Rodrigo Martins, President of the European Academy of Sciences, has presented the Petition in favor of “Horizon Europe”.
The Symposium and Ceremony of Awards of the European Academy of Sciences took place at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF Center) in Bielefeld (Germany), on October 18-20, 2018.
The Symposium was entitled ““Integrity and Responsibility in Science: Navigating through Conflicting Social and Epistemic Demands”.
The Ceremony of Awards has rewarded 6 Blaise Pascal Medals and 1 Leonardo da Vinci Award. The Blaise Pascal Medallists are Prof. Avelino Corma, in Chemistry; Prof. Carlos Duarte, in Earth Sciences; Prof. Emmanuel Gdoutos, in Engineering; Prof. Paolo Samori, in Materials Science; Prof. Alice Guionnet, in Mathematics; and Prof. Peter Hänggi, in Physics. Prof. Sir John Ball has received the Leonardo da Vinci Award.
The Symposium and Ceremony of Awards of the European Academy of Sciences took place in the Lisbon Academy of Sciences on October 26-27, 2017. It was organised by Prof Rodrigo Martins, Vice President of EurASc.