CAS Frontier Forum on Progress in Ocean Science and Technology, was held on line on 28-29 September 2022, with OPEN registrations (free of charge) –HERE–
The second edition was organised by the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in association with IUEM-UBO is exclusively online and in English.
Led by Paul Tréguer (IUEM-UBO, France, EurASc ) and Jing Zhang (ECNU, CAS), this event saw European and Chinese researchers speak on the following themes :
- Ocean-based climate action
- Big data management for ocean science and technology
- Digital Twins of the Ocean (DITTO) component of the Digital Earth Initiatives
- The Global Coastal Ocean

We hereby make known to you all the synthetic report of the second on-line China – Europe Frontier Forum on Progress in Ocean Science and Technology, 28-29 September 2022.