The European Academy of Sciences is pleased to announce the timeline and process for the upcoming by-elections to fill key leadership positions across our divisions. This call is an opportunity for all eligible members to actively engage in shaping the leadership of their respective divisions.
Eligibility Criteria
Only Active Members of the European Academy of Sciences are eligible to submit candidatures or hold leadership positions within the divisions. Active membership requires compliance with the Academy’s statutes, including being up to date with membership dues.
Members who wish to seek re-election must ensure they have not exceeded the maximum number of terms stipulated by the Academy’s regulations. Candidatures from members exceeding the allowable term limits will not be accepted.
Duration of Mandates
All elected positions, including Officers and Heads of Division, will have a mandate duration of three years, as per the Academy’s regulations. Members may be re-elected within the limits established by the statutes.
Timeline for By-Elections
Call for Candidatures:
January 24, 2025 – March 15, 2025
Candidatures for division-level positions will be collected during this period.
All candidature documents must be sent directly to the Secretariat (contact@eurasc.eu) for record-keeping and validation.
The official candidature form must be completed in full.
Validation of Candidacies:
March 18, 2025 – March 29, 2025
The Secretariat will work with division officers to validate candidatures against eligibility criteria.
A complete list of confirmed candidates for each division will be made available for consultation by all members.
Voting Period:
April 1, 2025 – April 15, 2025
Voting will be conducted electronically and will be division-specific. Only members of a given division will be eligible to vote for the open positions within that division. This ensures that the leadership of each division is determined exclusively by its members.
Detailed instructions for the voting process will be communicated closer to the voting period.
Announcement of Results:
April 25, 2025
Results will be formally announced, and newly elected division committees will take office by May 1, 2025.
Open Positions :

Call to Participate
We invite all EurASc Active Members to actively participate in the ongoing by-elections by nominating candidates for open positions within the Academy. Self-nominations are welcome, and candidates nominated by others will be contacted to confirm their acceptance before voting or appointment.
This is an opportunity to shape the future of your division and contribute to the advancement of scientific excellence within your field.
For further details please contact the Secretariat at contact@eurasc.eu.
Note: This call is exclusively for leadership positions in EurASc divisions. By-elections for general governance bodies of the Academy will also take place later this year, and separate information will be provided in due course.