One of the most important objectives of the Academy is the promotion of fundamental research and excellence in science and technology.
The Academy organizes seminars and symposia to promote fundamental sciences. The Academy rewards excellence in science and technology by electing to its Fellowship and Honorary Membership and by awarding the Academy’s medals to the brightest professorial and postdoctoral science researchers who perform cutting edge research.
The Academy is governed by the Presidium. The Academy elects its Scientific Committee that advises on scientific matters, identifies research priorities and helps in the organization of the international research networks. The Academy elects its regional representatives.
The Academy is registered as a European international organization. Its activities are controlled by the Academy’s attorneys and an independent auditor.
The major objective of the Academy is to establish efficient collaboration among scientists, researchers, educators, engineers and public authorities world-wide, The Academy promotes interaction between basic and applied research and eases transfer of knowledge between knowledge and end-users. The Academy contributes towards the development of international policies in science and technology and facilitates the creation of a critical mass needed for solving the most important scientific problems. The Academy draws upon the distinguished scientists and the current information about scientific and technological progress to identify the most important problems and to discuss the ways for their solutions.
The Academy disseminates knowledge and technologies via its activities: publications, international meetings and workshops, teleconferences, etc.
The Presidium develops the policy of the Academy, endorses its annual activities program and allocates the budget. The Academy plays an important role in the promotion of peace and prosperity by fostering wide international scientific and technological collaboration without distinction of race, gender, language or religion.
The Academy activities include: Fostering new scientific and technological approaches Strengthening the European industrial sector Assisting in the creation of businesses (including newcomers) built on advanced technologies Strengthening the international scientific co-operation Creation of a critical mass of scientists and engineers to solve the most important scientific and technological problems that affect the quality of human life Promotion of new discoveries via international workshops and special publications Promotion of fundamental research as the basis of scientific and technological progress.