The China – Europe Frontier Forum “Progress on Ocean Science and Technology”, co-organised by the Dpt of Earth Siences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and by the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division of EurASc will be held on line on 20-21 October (program in attachment).
Please note that this EurASc action is supported by the “Fondation Prospective et Innovation” FPI.
All EurASc fellows are invited to join the Forum by (1) listening to the 20-min presentations, and (2) actively participating in the discussions.
Program and details are available here.

Link for ZOOM Metting:
Subject: CAS-EurASc Frontier Forum on Marine Sciences and Technologies
Time: 20-21 October 2020, each day 8:00-15:00 CEST
Conference ID: 680 7127 3480
Password: 523291
For Audiences (limited to 900 people) to connect (no audio and no video) to connect to Zoom video conference: