Symposium and Ceremony of Awards 2018

The Symposium and Ceremony of Awards of the European Academy of Sciences took place at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF Center) in Bielefeld (Germany), on October 18-20, 2018.

The Symposium was entitled ““Integrity and Responsibility in Science: Navigating through Conflicting Social and Epistemic Demands”. 

The Ceremony of Awards has rewarded 6 Blaise Pascal Medals and 1 Leonardo da Vinci Award. The Blaise Pascal Medallists are Prof. Avelino Corma, in Chemistry; Prof. Carlos Duarte, in Earth Sciences; Prof. Emmanuel Gdoutos, in Engineering; Prof. Paolo Samori, in Materials Science; Prof. Alice Guionnet, in Mathematics; and Prof. Peter Hänggi, in Physics. Prof. Sir John Ball has received the Leonardo da Vinci Award. 

–> More information in our website

–> Read the report of the event written by Prof. Martin Carrier